Although allergies can be very irritating and have the power to lessen your quality of life, it is not very hard to prepare for some home remedies to deal with them. The possibility of getting trapped in any kind of disastrous allergies is undeniably high and you sometimes have to see yourself being caught up in it once in your life.
Therefore, knowing some of the straightforward approaches to get rid of an allergy of any form could give you a great relief. It is worth it to try those essential oils for allergies, which is considered one of the most effective home remedies.
For those who have to suffer from allergies frequently, they have to learn what essential oils for allergies can help them to get through this tiring experience. Firstly, they are likely to ease or eliminate typical allergy symptoms quickly and naturally thanks to their strong anti-inflammatory properties and even sooth itching and irritated tissues. Next, a new allergy breakout can be prevented with the anti-histamine ability of oils. Finally, essential oils also have the great potential to kill some of the allergens that are the main causes in your miserable situation.
5 Best essential Oils for Allergies
To fight against one kind of annoying allergies by yourself, there are a bunch of home remedies that can be very useful for you but it is advisable that you should turn to one of the 5 best essential oils for allergies here including lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, roman chamomile and lemon. They can help you out, however, you have to spend a few minutes to see when to use each of them for the most effectiveness.
1. Lavender
Lavender essential oils work best in relieving your allergic reactions due to its antihistamine, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Some popular symptoms of a typical allergy such as skin rashes, eczema and general irritation are removed with a small amount of lavender essential oil. Its natural smell is so fantastic so you don’t have to worry about its side effect if you have to put it on before going out.
However, it is better to use it in the right way. Apply one drop of lavender essential oil of the skin surface where you need to release the response from allergies especially the inflammation. Also, you can use it through diffusion and the best time for diffuse it is about 15 minutes every 2 hours for the best effects to enhance your sleep’s quality.
2. Peppermint
Peppermint is renowned for its aromatic smell, which is absolutely a plus for this essential oil for sure. One of its outstanding advantages is that it is able to enhance the ability of your immune system in dealing with digestive and respiratory problems. With the aid of the essential oil, you are supposed to breathe easily and feel much more relieved because it is extremely soothing, cooling and anti-inflammatory.
However, it should be treated with cautions with the following notices. For those who own sensitive skin and small children with tender skin, strong peppermint oil may trigger skin rashes or even harm the skin conditions. In some cases, excessive intake of this essential oil in any forms may cause heartburns and stomach disturbances. And of course, it is absolutely a big trouble to put it in contact with your eyes.
3. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus has a firm place in this list of essential oils for allergies. Thanks to its ability to ease seasonal allergies. It is doing great in improving your respiratory system whenever it is getting into trouble with an allergy. You can receive an instant relief from allergies with this essential oil placed directly on your skin or through a steam inhaler. If you are holding your head over a homemade steam inhaler, you should resort to a wet towel to cover your eyes.
Eucalyptus oil is possibly unsafe when applied directly to the skin without first being diluted. It is also unsafe when being taken by mouth without being diluted. Signs of eucalyptus poisoning consist of stomach pain and burning, dizziness, muscle weakness, small eye pupils, feeling of suffocation or even vomiting and diarrhea. Stop it when you feel that you have a tendency to go through these symptoms.
4. Roman Chamomile
Roman chamomile essential oil is ideal for applying on infant’s skin as its property is rather skin and thus, won’t cause any harmful effect on them. Like all other essential oils, this type has the power to calm our nerves and sooth your allergies with its pleasant smell. So, what is the best way to use it? It is much better to mix it with a small amount of coconut oil and apply the mixture on patches of your skin where an allergy is taking place. It is also a brilliant solution to ease the itchiness.
Reasonable precautions should be taken including a small test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use and use on the feet when possible. It should be kept away from your eyes, ears and nose and remember not to apply it too much on your skin, which can result in skin sensitization.
5. Lemon
Last but not least, lemon essential oil is dedicated to discarding congestion in the respiratory system with its cooling, anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory features. In case you want a powerful dose for your terrible allergic condition, use a diffuser and add equal parts of lemon, lavender and peppermint oils and apply it directly to the forehead, chest and behind ears. Lemon oil alone is also very effective for soothing your skin surface.
Lemon is safe in food amounts and also safe in higher medicinal amounts. The side effects of higher amounts of lemon are not known as they are not considerable. One disadvantage of lemon essential oil is that it may increase the chance of sunburn, especially in light-skinned people.
The above 5 best essential oils for allergies are the most advantageous and straightforward ways to cure your allergy. Take a closer look at its uses for the best treatment. Allergies somehow can be very easy to remove with some simple measures you definitely can take by yourself. Learn something about how to deal with it from this moment is never a waste of your time.